If you need to use the departmental camera to document possible physical evidence of abuse, these are the steps to follow:
- If you are seeing the patient on a regular weekday, pictures should be taken by audiovisual. Call loc. 22368 to make arrangements for where the pictures will be taken. Fill out the audiovisual form indicating what you want them to take a picture of, and a signed consent to take the picture (keep in mind that the only people who have the right to consent are legal guardians such as parents, or the DYP worker if they have been given the mandate to do so).
- If you are seeing the patient off hours when audiovisual services are not available, the patient is able to return the following morning and it is unlikely the evidence you wish to photograph will change substantially, then you should prepare the above papers, and have them return to audiovisual the following morning. Social services should always be consulted for child protection cases and will serve as the patient liaison if you are having someone return the following day to get pictures taken in audiovisual.
- If having the picture taken by audiovisual is not possible, the ED camera is available in the upper cupboard closest to the secretary’s station in the physician’s area. The key to this cupboard is at the secretary’s desk; ask them for it.
- Before you take any pictures make sure to obtain a signed consent. Review the images and delete obviously unhelpful shots. Then clearly document the patient’s unit #, the number of pictures you took, and that they were for youth protection purposes in the binder accompanying the camera.
- After you have taken your pictures, remove the memory card from the camera and place it in one of the available small envelopes, fill out the identifiers on the envelope, seal it, and leave this envelope in the box that contains the camera, envelope and extra memory cards.
- Either call to involve social services in your case (if indicated) and at the very least make sure to leave a message with social services (loc. 22508) indicating that you have taken photos, so that someone is sure to pick them up from the camera box the following day.
- Our social workers are a very important and valuable resource. They should always be consulted for child protection cases. In addition, there is always a physician on call for child protection at the MCH. You can have them paged should you have any questions about the most appropriate way to manage a specific case.
- If you feel that it is vitally important to take photographs and the parents are refusing consent; alternatives are for DYP to sign or to consider involving the police as they are permitted by law to take the pictures without consent.
Thank you to Dr. Laurel Kimoff of the MCH Child Protection Service for this information.